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Luois Chevrolet's Life Amidst Failures

Louis Chevrolet was race - car driver, born on December 25, 1878, in La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland.
Louis Chevrolet was adamant that his name should only appear on luxury vehicles. Chevrolet quit, selling his stock in the company, and went on to form the Frontenac Motor Corporation. By 1917 he had built a new, highly advanced racing car, complete with aluminum engine. but without money to build it, he signed on as chief engineer for a new company called American Motors Corporation. he helped develop tourer, but when production began, he was told to go.

The Monroe Company eventually hired Chevrolet to build a race car. he updated his Frontenac racer and with his younger brother Gaston at the wheel, won the 1920 Indianapolis 500. Tragically, Gaston would die before the year was out, in a fiery crash on a boardwalk race in Beverly Hills, California.

Louis Chevrolet went on to try and launch Frontenac Motors as a car-maker, but the company quickly went bankrupt. he turned to boat racing in 1925, winning the Miami Regatta, but the victory didnt translate into commercial success. a venture building aeroplanes also failed. 

Finally in 1934, Chevrolet was re employed by General Motors in a Minor position, but illness forced him to retire in 1938. Chevrolet died in 1941, at the age of 63, and was buried in Indianapolis, the scene of his greatest racing triumph.

While Louis Chevrolet may have spent just two years working with William Durant, the company he gave his name to has lasted almost a century and has become one of the best known nameplates in the automobile world.

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